Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Unboxing figma BRS2035.

I recently ordered a figma BRS2035 for myself, and it's my first figma! (^w^)(\/)

BRS2035 is, well, the main character of the game, Black Rock Shooter: The Game for the PSP.
She looks somewhat (or to some, very) different from the standard OVA version.
Her coat seemed to have been shortened but instead replaced with wings.

Anyways, I'll show you my process of unboxing her~
(Sorry for my low quality post, this is my first time and I have zero experience with doing these kinds of stuff.)
(Also, I don't have a good camera at the moment, so my photos are pretty much grainy-looking.)

Tadaa~ This is how she looks like~ Compared to most of the other figma's boxes, the box is wide.

Front of the box~