Thursday, 15 March 2012

Fun with Nendoroid Kagamine Len and Rin Cheerful ver.

Feeling bored during my holidays, plus I can't go out with my condition. So, I've decided to play with Kagamine Len and Rin.
Some photos of them~
Let's hold hands and sing together!

Same pose, different location. The paint looks so different! OwO

Same pose, different angle.

Same pose. You should get bored by now. Angle is different.

Len: OH! Rin: Hahahaha!!

Len: *sniffle* Rin: Let me pick you up!

Rin: Yaaay~ I win~ Len: ...I give up... ):

The two of them still talk even though they should go to bed.

Len: Tadaaa!

Rin & Len: Let us cheer you on!

Same pose, different feel of paint. ( 'w')<( . . . )

Cheerful Japan! <3
Once again, thanks for your time with looking at my photos~

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