Monday, 24 December 2012

Izayoi Sakuya! Pa- *knifed*

Greetings to all humans o:
I'm bringing Sakuya to you today! Got it sometime not long after Flandre. Ehehe.
I've noticed that there are Sakuya and Flandre bootlegs going around! That's bad.
Even the Insane Black Rock Shooter :/ Well, that can't be helped huh?

Let's get on to the little summary about her.
Sakuya is from Touhou Project (yes, once again :L)
Sakuya's the perfect maid everyone knows! She can control time and space itself~ She's the head maid of the Scarlet Mansion Devil (where Remilia and the rest resides) She mostly uses knives as her weapons.

We should really get on with the review. :/

Sakuya's box. Quite plain.
Her stuff~ Quite little too :/
Now, a clearer shot on her stuff.

Like all Touhou Project Nendoroids, she doesn't come with a lot of things.
Though, she has a special base as the others do.
Here's a list on what she has.
1x Herself.
2x Knives
1x Folded arms (they are combined, unlike Kurisu's)
1x Set of teapot and teacup on a tray. (I think they're removable)
1x Arm to hold the tray.
2x Spare arms to hold knives (Note that the shoulders are a little different.)
1x Aggresive expression faceplate.
1x Calm/Strict faceplate (depends on the angle. I'll explain later.)
1x Personal base
1x Leg stand

As a Sakuya lover, I took her, regardless of her amount of stuff. Quite disappointed she doesn't have a hand that holds 3 knives per hand, since she throws around a lot of knives in her battles.

Now for the fun!

Maid out of the box. That sounds weird. She has a pretty stand for herself.
Yukkuri Sakuya?! Oh, she uses a leg stand that supports well.
Sakuya got mad at me for randomly plucking her head off.
Sakuya: "Ojou-sama, here is your tea."
...Sadly, I'm not a female. And I have no idea where Remilia is.
Sakuya: "Now tell me where is Remilia-sama!"
Sorry, Sakuya. I haven't got her. Go to Flandre-chan, for now~
Sakuya: "How could you?!"
She's not rereleased yet, and she's expensive, sorry ><"
Sakuya...Sakuya. She's pretty fun, well, not that much. Limited arms means limited poses :/
Sakuya's really pretty. And cute here. That previous photo, she looks like she's doing some archery pose.
I need to steal someone's bow and arrow. x:

I'm sure Sakuya's going to prepare herself for the day at the moment. Let's go visit her?

It seems that Sakuya is preparing make-up. ...But what is she holding there?!
Sakuya: "Do not disturb me when I'm putting on make-up! Or else!"

Sakuya: "I told you so. Now prepare..."
Sakuya: "...For my flurry of blades!"
Okay, we heard you Sakuya. Hopefully no one ever disturbs you while you're preparing.
As I mentioned previously, this third faceplate, it changes depending on the angle you look at her.
See that some of the photos, she looks slightly annoyed or happy?
Yep, that was what I meant. If you can't see it, look at her harder!

Well... I didn't expect it to finish so soon. Here's a final picture for this post!


That elegant Sakuya! 8U This is an awesome pose I'm keeping so far.
She's so elegant I can't bear to move her >w<

Well, that's all for now, people. Till next time, then~

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